When we think of eldercare services, we often think of home health care, geriatric care, home-delivered meal services, and senior centers. But what about caregivers? As an essential part of the eldercare equation, caregivers should have eldercare services targeted to help them, too. Recent research showed that eldercare services like individual counseling for caregivers and…
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Men Caring for Parents
Men who are caring for parents are a growing group. Forty percent of all family caregivers are men, up 19% from 1996. The common perception is that caregiving is relegated to sisters, wives and daughters. Many more men are caring for parents as society and family roles change. Men face the stress of trail blazing…
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Online Dating for the Elderly
In 2011 the baby boomer generation will be entering their golden years. That means about 25% of our population will be over the age of 65 and more of us than ever will be caring for parents. Some of that 25% will be armed with knowledge of computers and a prescription for Viagra. It's no…
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How to Deal With Aging Parents
Statistics show that people are living longer and longer. The age that people live to has grown dramatically in the past 20 years. Because people are living longer there is usually greater need for assistance as we age. In the majority of households the assistance that seniors receive usually comes from their children. In many…
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Address Caregiver Stress, Before You’re a Mess!
Everyone who is born holds dual citizenship,in the kingdom of the well and in the kingdom of the sick. - Susan Sontag, Illness as Metaphor (1978) It's time to ask yourself a hard question about caregiving: Are you currently dwelling in the kingdom of the well, or in the kingdom of the sick? Although your…
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Caregiving: Keeping your Marriage Safe
Caregiving can put as much strain on your marriage as raising young children. It takes the same type of focus on your marriage that you used when your children were young to keep your relationship strong now. The time and emotional energy that elder care requires can leave you with less energy to share with…
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Welcome to the EldercareABC Blog
EldercareABC began as an idea based on empathy and community. Stephen and Sandy Joyce had cared for both of their parents. When they were gone, what remained was the memory of how challenging their caregiving experiences had been.