Day Centres Are Important for the Elderly

by: Nancy Lavender

Day Centres play an essential part in the lives of aging adults. The main advantages of attending a Day Centre are...

  • Allows Seniors to become and remain social.
  • Provides group activities such as craft and games.
  • Prevents depression often triggered by isolation and boredom.
  • Allows sharing of problems with trained staff.
  • Sharing of meals and tea times - preferable to eating alone.

Most Day Centres are flexible with how many days a week the members attend. This is helpful when you, as often happens, have a reluctant parent or relative. Reassure them that they won't be there "all day and every day", but to rather look at it, as a day out, away from the usual routine at home.

Once they are persuaded to give it a try, they become really keen to attend. They discover the pleasure again, of being with other people, especially of their own generation. New friends are made and there is always lots of news and gossip to exchange.

They will find the day at the Centre will fly by, with new things to do - craft and other activities done together in a group are so much more fun, than on your own. There are sure to be new crafts, never tried before, as well as games and music.

At that time of life, a lot of pleasure is found in reminiscing, and who better to exchange old memories with, than someone who has lived through similar times.

Older people, maybe living alone, really benefit by having the trained staff, available at Day Centres, on hand to help with problems they may be facing. Form filling, accommodation worries and health issues are some of these.

A pleasurable benefit of attending a Day Centre, is being able to eat meals together with others. Especially a meal - you have not had to plan, shop for supplies, cook it and best of all - No washing up!

Dietary considerations are always taken care of and though care is taken to supply food suitable for older people to digest, the variety is always good and the dishes tasty.

So to sum up the importance of Day Centres - Elderly folk need to keep in touch with others and have meaning to their lives. Day Centres are invaluable in giving them the opportunity to do just this. They become less depressed, more energetic and so much happier.

If you would like to see some of the craft and activities suitable for Day Centres please visit My Blog.

Nancy Lavender is a contributing writer to where you can find activities relating to seniors, including crafts, games and so much more.

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