Healing Power of Music in Eldercare

by Christy Cuellar-Wentz

caregiver, eldercare                                                                                            Who knew music could be so good for us?!  I'm watching a fascinating documentary, The Music Instinct: Science and Song, and am amazed by the powerful ways in which music can transform our lives.  My mother was a musician as I was growing up, so I was immersed in music at an early age.  I have always loved a wide variety of music, but had only anecdotal evidence of the beneficial effects on our minds and bodies, until now.

As a caregiver, you'll be interested to learn that advances in science are making it possible to demonstrate the host of benefits that music brings.  You may already have guessed that calming music does indeed soothe the soul, activating a physiological relaxation response complete with slower breathing, reduced heart rate and decreased blood pressure.  I can't tell you how many times I have turned to my iPod to bring my stress level down after some tough eldercare moments!

But did you know that music literally helps our brains find new neural pathways, enhancing brain functioning?  Finland researchers have shown that the rehabilitation of stroke patients is enhanced by listening to music for several hours each day.  Music may also be a perfect prescription for people with Parkinson's disease, improving balance and movement through rhythmic cues.  A CNN report Music as a Mega-Vitamin for the Brain details profound changes that have occurred in stroke and Parkinson's patients.

While calming music promotes a meditative state, livelier music encourages brainwaves to sync up with the beat of the music.  This means faster beats can bring increased concentration and active thinking, perfect for eldercare patients in need of healthy stimulation.  And the benefits last long after the music has stopped.  Shifting brainwave patterns that are initially encouraged by music make it possible for the brain to change speeds with greater ease whenever life requires it!

Want more?  We now know that music can improve our moods, ward off depression, decrease pain, increase creativity, improve communication and enhance memory.  While you and your loved ones can experience these benefits by simply turning on music you enjoy, I encourage you to explore the wonderful field of health care known as Music Therapy at www.musictherapy.org.  Music Therapy professionals are dedicated to improving the quality of life for everyone through the healing power of music.

How has music helped your life as a caregiver, or the well-being of your loved ones?  Please share your stories with our EldercareABC community by commenting on this blog.

2 Responses

  1. [...] Read this article: Healing Power of Music in Eldercare | Elder Care ABC [...]
  2. [...] the article here: Healing Power of Music in Eldercare | Elder Care ABC Categories: music Tags: instinct, lives, music, science, the-powerful UK Study: File Sharers [...]
  3. [...] Pete Mortensen wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptWho knew music could be so good for us?!¬† I’m watching a fascinating documentary, The Music Instinct: Science and Song, and am amazed by the powerful ways in which music can transform our lives.¬† My mother was a musician as I was … [...]
  4. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by steve Joyce, Karen Sadler and csrock, nichkhun. nichkhun said: Healing Power of Music in Eldercare | Elder Care ABC: by Christy Cuellar-Wentz · caregiver, eldercare Who knew .. http://bit.ly/4g1Wl8 [...]
  5. Music has often soothed the savage beast when it comes to caring for my husband. When I am feeling beyond what I can handle, putting on the oldies reminds me of better times for both of us. When he recognizes the music, I sometimes get my husband back for a short while.
  6. [...] https://eldercareabcblog.com/healing-power-of-music-in-eldercare/ [...]
  7. Your Message Since I came to Boston , about ten years ago, I have been involved in running choruses for Seniors. This has been so very successful that it has been a most rewarding experience. The Brookline Senior Centre chorus ,with voices ranging from age 70 onwards to 97. At least 5 of the nonegerians sing solo voice with such joi de vivre..they have brought the house down . melodically accurate, rhythymically correct with first class delivery! Most of them seldom miss a rehearsal, as a matter of fact they bounce in and out, looking forward tothe rehearsal, with total identification with the group, and freedom in suggestions to improve the performance! Now we have started a chorus for some parkinson's patients. We have had only 5 meetings thus far, and there is concrete evidence of the gains- posture, mood, strength in the voice...active participation...suggestions...good cheer. The room hardly has any traces of depression left. Singing is a good thing. Zohra